Trump’s Attempted Coup Is The Start Of The Battle To Save America’s Democracy

Donald Trump's patriotic army of followers represents a threat to democracy

It says much about Donald Trump’s presidency that it’s not a surprise it has ended with an attempted coup. Since he lost the election, he has convinced himself, and his supporters…

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Donald Trump's patriotic army of followers represents a threat to democracy

Why Brexit Has Always Been About Dividing Society

Blaming foreigners for social problems is a tried and tested formula that never fails to work

“You know very well the country is being ruined by foreigners. Just go to a shop and buy something: look round the place an’ you’ll see that more than ’arf the…

Continue ReadingWhy Brexit Has Always Been About Dividing Society

Blaming foreigners for social problems is a tried and tested formula that never fails to work

Will Your Life Improve Under a New President?

The Republicans and Democrats represent different sides of the same coin. What America needs is a new coin

As the dust settles on the presidential election, there have been cheers of joy and sighs of relief that Joe Biden won the election. Every election season people hold onto the…

Continue ReadingWill Your Life Improve Under a New President?

The Republicans and Democrats represent different sides of the same coin. What America needs is a new coin

What’s the Big Deal About Donald Trump not Paying Taxes?

The biggest surprise would have been if Donald Trump did pay taxes, not that he hasn't

The New York Times revelation that Donald Trump has paid $1500 in tax in the last four years has sent shockwaves around the world. But it would have been a far…

Continue ReadingWhat’s the Big Deal About Donald Trump not Paying Taxes?

The biggest surprise would have been if Donald Trump did pay taxes, not that he hasn't

If the Army Protects the Government Who Protects the People?

Time and time again the army defends rogue governments against the people, but shouldn't it be the other way around?

There is no more powerful expression of discontent against a regime than if a whole country rises in protest against the government. That’s exactly what’s happening in Belarus at present. Belarussians…

Continue ReadingIf the Army Protects the Government Who Protects the People?

Time and time again the army defends rogue governments against the people, but shouldn't it be the other way around?

Why have the US, UK and Brazil Managed Covid-19 so badly?

Three words help explain, or rather three incompetent men. Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro

If someone had asked you which country’s would suffer the highest death rate from Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, you probably wouldn’t have said the US, UK or Brazil.…

Continue ReadingWhy have the US, UK and Brazil Managed Covid-19 so badly?

Three words help explain, or rather three incompetent men. Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro