Why the Cancel Culture Has Become the Thing it Hates the Most

The defenders of tolerance are intolerant of anyone else's views

The philosopher George Santayana once said, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It wasn’t so long ago that the LGBTQ+ community lived in perpetual fear. Fear…

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The defenders of tolerance are intolerant of anyone else's views

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why the Productivity Culture Glamorising 100 Hour Work Weeks is Deranged</span><h3> Everyone is in a mad race to make more money than everyone else </h3>
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Why the Productivity Culture Glamorising 100 Hour Work Weeks is Deranged

Everyone is in a mad race to make more money than everyone else

You often hear the routines of highly successful people and their highly productive lives. Each second is planned meticulously. They wake up at 4 am, do an intense workout, work 14…

Continue ReadingWhy the Productivity Culture Glamorising 100 Hour Work Weeks is Deranged

Everyone is in a mad race to make more money than everyone else

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why the American Dream is an Orwellian Nightmare</span><h3> The American Dream centres on a culture of consumption </h3>
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Why the American Dream is an Orwellian Nightmare

The American Dream centres on a culture of consumption

In the land of opportunity, anyone can go from having nothing to everything. That idea — that legend — lies at the heart of the American dream. All it requires is some grit, determination, and…

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The American Dream centres on a culture of consumption

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>How Social Media Gives People a God Complex (and Why That’s a Problem)</span><h3> Social media has a corrosive influence on society </h3>
Social media is consuming the world

How Social Media Gives People a God Complex (and Why That’s a Problem)

Social media has a corrosive influence on society

Facebook has nearly three billion monthly active users, YouTube has just over two billion, and Instagram has a billion. Social media has consumed the world, and the content creators who ‘make…

Continue ReadingHow Social Media Gives People a God Complex (and Why That’s a Problem)

Social media has a corrosive influence on society

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>LinkedIn Reveals 3 Behaviours You Need to Embrace to Be Successful</span><h3> Self-glorification is an absolute must to 'get ahead' </h3>
Photo by inlytics | LinkedIn Analytics Tool on Unsplash

LinkedIn Reveals 3 Behaviours You Need to Embrace to Be Successful

Self-glorification is an absolute must to 'get ahead'

LinkedIn has become a powerful platform for networking opportunities. If used well, it can do wonders for one’s career. Yet, this digital reality is also powerful in revealing the necessary behaviours…

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Self-glorification is an absolute must to 'get ahead'