Could the Richest Man in the World End World Hunger?

While the wealth of Jeff Bezos is celebrated, millions of people suffer the chronic impacts of poverty. It doesn’t need to be this way

Jeff Bezos is filthy rich. The richest man in the world has a net worth of $170 billion. His wealth becomes all the more astonishing when you break it down. Bezos…

Continue ReadingCould the Richest Man in the World End World Hunger?

While the wealth of Jeff Bezos is celebrated, millions of people suffer the chronic impacts of poverty. It doesn’t need to be this way

Could George Floyd’s Death Change the Face of America?

George Floyd's death is an earthquake that’s unleashed a tsunami

George Floyd’s murder wasn’t the first, but could it be the last? Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. Botham Jean. Walter Scott. The list of black people dying at the hands of the…

Continue ReadingCould George Floyd’s Death Change the Face of America?

George Floyd's death is an earthquake that’s unleashed a tsunami